St. Joseph Catholic Church
Wautoma, Wisconsin
Saturday Mass 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass 7:30 & 9:00 am English
11:00 am Spanish
Monday - Friday 8:00 am Mass
*Adoration: *Tuesdays
9-10:00 am
*Thursdays 9-10:00 am
*First Fridays: Adoration will begin at 8:45 am until
Benediction at Noon
*First Saturday Mass at 9:00 AM
The Mass will be prayed Ad Orientem using the
Ordinary form of the Mass in English.
*Tuesday 9-10:00 am Please check the bulletin
*Thursday 9-10:00 am for weekly changes.
*Saturday 3:00 pm
Tuesday 5-6:00 PM
Thursday 6-7:00 PM
Stations of the Cross
Fridays at 5:00 PM
Please see each week's bulletin for a
"Note from Fr. Bill..."