St. Joseph  Catholic Church

Wautoma, Wisconsin

Mass Times:


4:00 PM (English)
Monday-Fridays 8:00 A.M.


7:30 & 9:00 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Spanish)

Saturday Mass 4:00 pm

Sunday Mass 7:30 & 9:00 am  English

11:00 am   Spanish

Monday - Friday 8:00 am Mass


  *Adoration:   *Tuesdays  9-10:00 am                             

                             *Thursdays 9-10:00 am


  *First Fridays:  Adoration will begin at 8:45 am until     

                                    Benediction at Noon 

 *First Saturday Mass at 9:00 AM

  The Mass will be prayed Ad Orientem using the

  Ordinary form of the Mass in English.


*Tuesday 9-10:00 am                   Please check the bulletin

*Thursday 9-10:00 am                    for weekly changes.

*Saturday  3:00 pm



Tuesday   5-6:00 PM

Thursday    6-7:00 PM

Stations of the Cross

Fridays at   5:00 PM

About Us

The mission of St. Joseph Parish is to welcome people to have an experience with Jesus Christ and to become his disciples; by learning about, living out, and being proud members of the Roman Catholic Faith.

For information on membership, parish activities, committees, and outreach, contact us!
Contact Us

 Please see each week's bulletin for a

 "Note from Fr. Bill..."

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